O.K. People! Calm DOWN!
Yesterday, the President of the United States spoke on national T.V. and the pandemic became real. The same pandemic that we have been talking about for months. Except it was finally called such. And perhaps because a huge travel plan was put in place without anyone’s notice and because it was clear that perhaps there was no other clear plan in place people have become anxious today. CALM DOWN. Unless this virus was created in some lab (which is doubtful) there is no one to blame for its existence. Unless you want to have a long talk with mother nature. Viruses happen. But guess what? Humans happen too. And our gift is intelligence. So, let’s start using it.

  • The key now is to decrease the spread of this virus. Flattening the curve, if you will. The postponement of major events is vital. The washing of hands. The covering when you cough. The cleaning surfaces. All of them are vital. The rest is theatre. Don’t become part of the drama. The drama is currently a big problem. This is exactly why doctors sometimes do not tell people the whole story. Because panic sets in. It is not time to panic. It is time to be careful.
  • We need more test kits and they should be free. We should test as many people as possible to get some FACTS. It is the lack of facts that make us all nervous. We will all make sacrifices in one way or another. It will not last forever. Hopefully for weeks or months only. Let’s not CREATE the apocalypse. So, you want to do something useful? Call your representative in D.C. and tell them that if they don’t work toward providing testing, you will never vote for them again.
  • Stop hoarding. It only goes toward creating an atmosphere of panic. It is reasonable to buy groceries for a couple of weeks. But that is all. Toilet paper? Really? If you don’t have toilet paper, then you can always shower after a BM.. Come on people, where is the common sense?
  • Next. The really important thing. Buy a thermometer. Be aware of your body. If you have fever or a new cough that does not go away or shortness of breath. Call your local hospital or doctor. Do not go to the health care office immediately. Tell them your symptoms and they will guide you. Remember. It is estimated that 80% of all infections will be mild. Another 15% will have more intense symptoms. Only a small percent will require hospitalization. Do not overuse the healthcare system like it was toilet paper.
  • There is a saying in medicine: “in an emergency, always take your pulse first”. That means that the last thing you need, when you need to think clearly, is to panic. So, take your pulse first. Don’t panic. We will get through this. And I predict better than expected.